Monatsarchiv: Juli 2012

The most fairest of them all: „Snow White and the Huntsman“

This is the fourth entry in the coverage of 2012’s Snow White adaptations. How many times can you tell the same story over and over, always fresh and new? The main goal of this subseries of reviews was to find … Weiterlesen

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American Reunion

American Reunion is the (real) fourth part in the American Pie franchise. Years after the original, the clique returns to their childhood homes for their reunion. I won’t go much into detail, but this movie plays a lot with the … Weiterlesen

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The Dark Knight Rises – short review

Imagine you’re 4 years old. You’re going to the cinema. Maybe one of your favourite TV-characters has got their own movie or you are there for the first time in your life. Imagine the excitement, the thrill, the happiness. I … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter actuality, Movies | 3 Kommentare

Where’s the Amazing in „The Amazing Spider-man“?

So, I’ve seen this movie in a pre-premiere in Austria on Wednesday, and as far as I know, the movie has not yet premiered in the US. My opinion: The movie is sort of good-ish, but it didn’t convince me. … Weiterlesen

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